E: enquiries@devongeneral.org.uk

The Society has an extensive archive of Devon General artefacts and memorabilia and maintains a list of all known former Devon General buses and coaches in preservation.


The aim of the Society's archive is to conserve for the interest of current and future DGS members suitable printed material, photographs, other media and artefacts that illustrate the history and operations of the Devon General Omnibus & Touring Company Ltd. and its successors.

We welcome donations of Devon General material for our archive, whether as legacies or simply as a result of the downsizing of collections. Items which duplicate those already held in the archive will be made available for resale via our sales stand, helping to raise funds for the Society.


Vehicle Preservation

Across the UK and Ireland there are over 60 Devon General buses and Grey Cars coaches still around. That's an amazing number for a medium-sized bus company and shows how fondly Devon General is remembered.

Some are fully restored and regularly seen on the rally circuit; a few remain with operators still earning their keep.  In some cases we know little more than a vehicle is 'thought to still survive' but have no recent information to back this up.  We would be glad to receive any additional details which can be used to update our records.  Details of current owners and locations of vehicles are, in many cases, held by the Society but, for reasons of privacy, are not published here.

You can download our latest list here: DG vehicles in preservation


Devon General Omnibus Trust

The Society does not own any preserved vehicles, but it supports the work of the Devon General Omnibus Trust, a registered charity, which has an excellent collection of Devon General buses. DGOT's buses are often used for trips for Society members. Please see their website for further information.



Devon General Remembered

The remarkable number of Devon General buses and coaches in preservation reflects how fondly the company is remembered. Many of them have attended the various rallies and running days the Society has organised over the years, and some have run on our free bus services, giving enthusiasts and locals the opportunity to travel on authentic Devon General vehicles, often recreating old Devon General routes.

The Devon General Society is keen to see memories of the old company rekindled and for today's generation to be able to sample the transport of yesteryear.

If you would like to get involved in our future events - join us!