E: enquiries@devongeneral.org.uk

You can obtain our publications by mail order

Please send your order to:

DGS Sales Officer, 14 Wrey Avenue, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 2EB
Please make your cheque payable to “Devon General Society”, or you can pay direct to our bank account by requesting our bank details from sales@devongeneral.org.uk

Devon General - a fascinating story


Devon General book

The Society's comprehensive hardback, 300+ page, well-illustrated A4 size book which is the definitive history of the company from its beginning in 1919 through to privatisation in the eighties.

Only limited stock available.

£20 plus £5 P&P

Devon General in preservation


DG in preservation

Produced during 2003 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first former Devon General bus entering preservation, this 48 page, fully illustrated booklet gives details of every preserved vehicle known to exist at that time, along with brief histories and colour photographs.  Edited by Nigel Bruce-Robertson

£3 including P&P

Devon General - where did they go?


DG where did they go?

A comprehensive listing of subsequent owners of buses and coaches from 1960 to 1971, this 24 page booklet with illustrations is the perfect complement to the "Devon General - a Fascinating Story" book by Les Folkard.  Taking each year from 1960, the publication sets-out in chronological order which vehicles were acquired by the Company along with known subsequent owners and the eventual fate of each fleet member. Edited by Phil Platt

£4 plus £1.50 P&P

Back issues of Digest and Newsletter

Some back issues of DiGeSt and Newsletter are available to members.  Please contact the Sales Officer to check on availability.  N.B. back issues are not available within the first 12 months of the publication date.

£1.50 per copy including P&P

Devon General Remembered 2024 souvenir programme

If you weren't able to get to our event, or missed getting a copy of the programme, you can now get one at a discounted price!

A5 size. Includes pictures of the buses that took part in the running day, and a brief history of Devon General's services in Tiverton from the 1960s to the 1980s.

£2.50 including P&P

Devon General Society sales stand

During the summer we take our sales stand to a selection of vintage bus events, giving the opportunity to buy Society publications, bus photographs and a range of second hand transport books and other memorabilia. Proceeds from the sales stand go to Society funds, so we're always happy to receive donations of suitable material - please contact our Sales Officer for more details.