Preserved Devon General buses will take to the roads at Exmouth on Sunday 4th September 2022, from 1000 to 1600.
Following our successful ‘Devon General Remembered’ running day at Tiverton in 2021, we are organising another event that will feature classic Devon General buses running free bus services to local destinations. Based at Imperial Road in Exmouth, adjacent to the former site of the Devon General garage, the services will offer round trips of 30 to 45 minutes. The Devon General Society sales stand will again be present, selling bus books, magazines, photos and memorabilia.
A souvenir programme will be available in advance and on the day, giving details of the timetables and the buses operating them – look out for further information about this. Vehicle entries are by invitation only and owners will be contacted soon.
Exmouth is easy to reach by public transport, with the main town centre bus stops and the railway station just a short walk from Imperial Road. There is also car parking nearby and plenty of cafes and shops. Public toilets are located next to the railway station.
Please keep 4th September free and we look forward to seeing you for a day beside the sea at Exmouth!
Posted 5th April 2022